Ask Your GYN These (uncomfortable) Questions

i. Is it normal to have discharge and a smell? Every woman has a “smell” that is normal to her. It can change, for example after sweating especially after working out or around the time of your period. If it becomes bothersome or malodorous, especially with a “fishy” odor then it may be a sign of an infection. Discharge in menstruating women is also normal and changes based on where she is in her cycle, it is usually clear or slightly yellow. ii. How should I clean my vagina? It is not necessary to put any cleansers into the vagina....
Spice Up Your Sex Life

We get it. Sometimes you just aren’t in the mood. Between young kids, aging parents, playful pups and 12-hour workdays, it is hard to schedule sex into your calendar. And, why would you want to have sex anyway, when you can just hop on the Peloton and get a great cardio workout and binge watch Netflix to see some real happy endings. But, we all know deep down inside, we gotta have sex. With our partner, our spouse, our loved one, ourselves--even if we are just too damn tired, stressed or unhinged. In the end, it does feel good and can bring...
Get Back to Pain Free Sex During Menopause

It is no secret that sex can be painful during perimenopause and menopause. What's worse however, is that nobody really wants to talk openly about it because they are either a) embarrassed or b) feel isolated. Therefore, painful sex may go unaddressed or even untreated. As a result, your libido can decrease, and your sex life —nonexistent. Sorry for the bad news. The good news however, is that you are not alone (if that is actually considered good news) and there are several options to help improve your situation. But first, let's try to understand why it happens and then...
V is for Vaginitis

i. What is vaginitis? Vaginitis is inflammation of the vagina and can be the result of an imbalance in the bacteria and yeast that are meant to be in the vagina normally, it can be due to an infection (bacteria, virus or parasite) that is not normal for the vagina or it can be due to an irritant. ii. What are the symptoms of vaginitis? Discomfort in the vaginal area such as itching, burning, swelling and tenderness are common. Vaginal discharge may appear different in terms of amount, texture, color and odor. iii. What are the causes of vaginitis? Aside from normal...
Reasons why + Solutions for Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness, reduced elasticity and atrophy can cause discomfort and pain, especially during sex and other physical activities. It is a common complaint during menopause due to low estrogen but can also occur for a variety of reasons including but not limited to taking birth control pills, antidepressants and/or antihistamines. Breast cancer prevention and treatment medications can also play a role in vaginal dryness as well as certain autoimmune conditions. The result can be a reduction in sexual desire, vaginal itching and irritation as well as an increase in vaginal and urinary tract infections. The good news is that there are many...